This is one photo of "Sonora" (the Mom on the plate). "Sonora" enjoys the photo shoots -
and does not mind being placed on a set with puppies (even though she has never had a litter herself).
This photo shows "Shiloe" in front of his Aunt "Sonora". Danbury Mint wanted a mother and puppies but we only had "Shiloe" left and his mother had "blown her coat" after the litter was gone forcing us to use her full sister - "Sonora".
This is "Durango" in another photo from that day. He was Sonora's sire (and "Shiloe''s Grandfather). We had hoped that Danbury Mint might want to use him as well to make a true family picture of it. Danburt Mint just used "Sonora" as the Mom and "Shiloe" (painted with slightly differant markings and colors) for all four of the puppies.
This is another photo of "Shiloe" and his Aunt "Sonora". Pam Marks took almost 300 photos the day she was out. The artist (Simon Mendez) changed every photo slightly making it impossible to pick a photo for each pose on the plate.
"Shiloe" and "Sonora" still get along GREAT and often play in the yard for hours (FAMILY TIME) !
This plate has our female "Sonora" in the middle as the Mother and four differant shots of "Shiloe" as her puppies.
We are VERY gratefull to Pam Marks for coming out and spending the day with us and our Shelties so we would have a chance to be chosen for this beautiful plate !
Family Time
is available from:
The Danbury Mint
(800) 243-4664
This is the photo that was used for the puppy at the
1 O'Clock position
This is the photo that was used for the puppy at the
2 O'Clock position
This is the photo that was used for the puppy at the
5 O'Clock position
This is the photo that was used for the puppy at the